Become a Registered Toy and/or Memorabilia Exhibitor at the Classic Green Reunion 2025!
Although registration is not mandatory, it is highly recommended as it will help the show committee to plan according to the number and type of exhibits that will be present.
In addition, by pre-registering, your exhibitor name badge can be prepared before your arrival.
Please READ all the instructions and information below before you hit the "Register" button in the left margin to begin the registration process.
This is ONLY for Toy Exhibits and Memorabilia Exhibits in the Ziegler Family Expo Center. Space is limited to 45 10' x 10' exhibit spaces.
The Ziegler Family Expo Center's set-up day is Wednesday, June 11, and the move-out day is Saturday from 3 PM to 5 PM OR Sunday, June 15.
Nothing can be put into the ground without prior approval by the park facility. This includes flags, tent stakes, or polls. A plan to put things in the ground is required at least 30 days before the show starts to request Wisconsin Diggers Hotline flag the areas to keep from damaging underground utilities.
The first 1000 online exhibitor registrants will receive a Commemorative CGR23 coin when they pick up their registration packet onsite.
Maps of the venue and directions for the exhibitor entrance will be emailed to those who register, and that information will also be posted on the event webpage at a later date.
Anyone, member or non-member of Classic Green, is invited to exhibit any Deere product or Deere-related product (i.e., Lanz, Killefer, Van Brunt, Velie, Root & Vandervoort, etc.) including tractors, implements memorabilia, bicycles, collectibles, etc. Any number of exhibits are acceptable.
Exhibits may be placed indoors, under roof (open sides), or outside. Exhibits in the Ziegler Family Expo Center facilities must be in place by Wednesday, June 11th, by 8 PM and cannot be moved or removed until Saturday between 3 PM and 5 PM OR Sunday, June 15th. Exhibits under roof or outside are encouraged to adhere to that schedule.
Crawlers andsteel-wheeled vehicles with lugs or without rubber wheel wraps should be displayed in grassy areas. Exceptions are possible, but exhibitors must provide their own planking and/or protective belting to avoid contact of steel wheels with floors.
Exhibits may be advertised for sale. However, parts may NOT be displayed or advertised for sale without registering and paying as a vendor. We must be fair to our vendors who pay for the privilege of selling on the grounds.
Each EXHIBITOR may receive two free wristbands for admission. Admission fees for others and the general public are $15 per day or $40 for all three days. Children 17 and under are free.
If you bring your own golf cart or gator, proof of liability insurance is required and there will be a $15 fee per day or $40 for all three days. Golf carts can be rented from a vendor via our website (
Camping is available on the grounds and registration and fee payment can be done on our website (
Pets are not permitted, only service animals are allowed on the grounds per facility regulations.
Show hours are 9 AM to 8 PM on Thursday and 9 AM to 5 PM on Friday and Saturday. There will be a send-off/Father’s Day breakfast on Sunday, June 15th from 7 AM to 9 AM for exhibitors. Inside displays and vendors will be allowed to tare down Saturday from 3-5 PM ONLY or Sunday.
Click the "Register" button on the left margin above to begin the process.
Enter your contact information as the form requests.
Indicate YES or NO regarding attending the “Thank You” breakfast on Sunday, June 15th.
Exhibit identification – There are spaces for you to identify up to 10 exhibits. This is mainly intended for LARGE exhibits such as tractors and/or implements so we can estimate space requirements. If you have more than 10 large exhibits, you may add that additional information at the end of the exhibit identification area of the form.
If you are exhibiting SMALL items, such as memorabilia, literature, consumer products, toys, etc., simply indicate the amount of space you may need in one line of description, such as “Table of literature – 12 sq. ft.”, or “15 toys – 15 sq. ft.” You don't need to be extremely precise, just give us a rough idea of space required.
After each exhibit identification, select one of the four location types for that exhibit.
Finally, you will be offered a chance to edit your registration before you enter it.
After you have completed and entered your registration it cannot be edited. If you need to change something, you will have to cancel the entire registration and start over.
Thank you, and we'll see you in June!
All registrations are WILL CALL and exhibitor packets can be picked up during the CGR25 show at the show office next to the main entrance (building B on the detailed show map).
If you have questions or issues registering for events, please email